Sunday, July 1, 2012

Home » Smoking to be accepted?

Smoking to be accepted?

Movies and TV series like people who smoke tend to portray the popular elite in high school. Nothing is less true, according to a new study from the University of Stockholm. It is according to this study, especially the unpopular nerds at school are most likely to smoke.

The study shows that (in high school) unpopular youth at greater risk of heavy smoking as an adult. The less popular in school, the more likely that the young person smokes.

The researchers used a database of 15,000 people in the vicinity of Stockholm, from a young age to adulthood. The researchers looked at 2,329 young people at the age of 13 were interviewed about their popularity and again on their 32th about their smoking behavior. The results showed a clear link between low popularity and smoking behavior.

There are several possible reasons why unpopular youth are more likely to smoke. It may be that they themselves believe in their 'low value' and therefore worse for themselves bounce. Belittled people would rather to choose controversial behavior than popular people who choose socially desirable behavior. It is also possible that opting for smoking in the hope of increasing acceptance.

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