Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Home » your online behavior secret

your online behavior secret

Tactics as soon as the Internet screen minimize when father or mother enters the room, clearing the browser history and creating a secret e-mail, are often used by teenagers to Internet behavior for parents to hide, according to a recent British study.

The study, which was done among 400 parents and teenagers, shows that half of the parents were convinced that they knew how they found out where their children were doing on the Internet. Contrast, says only one fifth of the children that they do not know how their online behavior to hide from their parents.

About 1 in 3 British parents makes no attempt to online behavior of their child control. In other European countries this is only 1 in 5 parents.

What further the investigation revealed:

*Nearly 31 percent of teens admitted that they visited websites they knew that their parents would not approve.
*About 25 percent of teens looked on the internet for nude pictures or pornography.
*Downloading illegal music from sites like Pirate Bay was 19 percent done.
*Drugs and alcohol by 6 percent purchased over the Internet.
*Thirteen percent of teens have ever agreed with someone they had met online. (in other European countries this percentage is much higher)
*Only 12 percent of British parents had a talk with their children about Internet safety.
*About 20 percent of parents admit that their child is much more technical and that their children cannot possibly keep up in terms of online behavior.

Raj Samani McAfee says: "We hope that these figures do parents wake up and we hope that the parents immediately take action to protect their children."

                                   What do your parents about your online behavior?

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