Saturday, June 30, 2012

Home » We know kissing mostly love

We know kissing mostly love

Kissing, the word in different ways throughout the world done. We know kissing mostly love, but also during a greeting word in many countries served as ritual. Think kiss on the cheek. Especially in the Arab countries, people kiss each other.

But we know mainly from kissing love. Kissing is touching each others lips. The reason behind this is simple: the physical feeling or when one feels attracted to each other.

Tongues are especially puberty simultaneously exciting and fun. For the first kiss you never forget.

Learning kissing
Kissing comes naturally to many of us. For some it is not easy. You can also have doubts whether you were right. Therefore it is wise to be aware as to assist. You can kiss namely learning. It is a question of repeat, repeat and repeat. The more the better.
Learning is the best course to someone else. But if you have no relationship and / or someone else to practice then it becomes difficult. In the earlier years, the recommended practice or a saucer.

The lips together, flowing movements, the tongue in the mouth of your partner and enjoy, that's kissing. If you have little experience shows you the movements initially away, at a later stage you can apply to movements of the tongue of your partner for even more variety.

In the beginning it is recommended that you wait quietly with your lips what the other is doing, take your time.

And not least, watch your partner. What movement does she / he. Go there in it, it should actually automatically go but you must be feeling. With a regular partner is negotiable, so you can tell what the other like it.

Tips on kissing
what your partner palate is the most important.

Here are some tips when you have no experience:
• Practice tongues with the water from the tap. Play it with your tongue.
You can also practice on fruit. Remove pieces of fruit from the inner feeling to get it.

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