Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Home » treatment for panic disorde

treatment for panic disorde

Sometimes we get so intense fear that we panic. The anxiety provoked suddenly from physical symptoms that seem alarming, but usually very helpful because they mobilize our bodies to a particular hazard to defy. In some cases, however, this fear unjustified, our perception is disturbed and provoked a panic attack.

 Are your fears and reactions consistent with panic disorder?

panic disorder
One speaks of a panic attack when the attack occurs in a specified situation and limited in time, and if at least 4 of the following symptoms occur very suddenly and reach their peak within 10 minutes:

- Palpitations.
- Feeling of breath or smothering, feeling of being strangled.
- Severe sweating.
- Tremor or muscle contractions.
- Dizziness, feeling faint.
- Lightheartedness, lethargy.
- Feeling of unreality and depersonalization (no contact with itself).
- Nausea.
- Abdominal pain.
- Tingling in arms and feet, numbness.
- Fear of a heart attack or to choke.
- Fear of dying
- Fear of losing control of himself, fear of going mad.

What happens?

"A panic attack follows a series of logical reasoning but on an erroneous interpretation based on the physical reactions by the fear provoked," says Christophe Andre *. Because any interpretation is wrong, growing anxiety still, the intensity of the physical responses reinforced. It is this vicious circle that lies at the basis of a panic disorder.

What to do when a panic attack?

It is best to talk with your doctor about your panic attacks. Some tips if you prefer not to:

1) Accept the fear and physical symptoms, because they are not dangerous. Do not fight it because then touch cramped, and am also not on the flight.
2) Try to analyze the situation: what situation or what threatens it exactly? What happens in your body? Etc.
3) Adjust the abdominal respiration: breathing slowly, put your belly while ball to him again to shrink. Breathe quietly, slowly and take your time there for 2 to 3 seconds before the inhalation, 2-3 seconds before breathing, followed by a pause.

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