Monday, June 4, 2012

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anxiety and depression

Anxiety And Depression
Until now it seemed certain that stress, anxiety and depression, the chances of getting pregnant decrease. New studies sow some doubt, at least in medically assisted reproduction...

Anxiety and depression seem the chances of getting pregnant via MBV not reduce
A meta-study in the British Medical Journal shows that anxiety and depression in women before attempting to medically assisted reproduction (MAR) not affect the success rate. A finding that is music to the ears will sound to those who minimize the importance of the mental state of the mother attempts to get pregnant. Course with the authors. "The findings of this meta-study, women and physicians should reassure emotional suffering fertility problems or other life events during treatment, bringing the pregnancy rate is not compromised," as they explained.

No consensus about the study
Other researchers speak against this conclusion again or find them in any case something radical. According to the hitherto published studies were emotional problems because it is indeed difficult to get pregnant. And like all scientific studies also shows her flaws. Including as regards the method used for the anxiety level of the future mother to be determined.

Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and depression continue anyway enemies ...

Finally, the authors stress that, even though anxiety and depression in this study did not affect the success or failure of assisted reproduction, they still remain important factors in getting a child through MBV. Thus it is the parents who wish to qualify for MBV a difficult and stressful course to wait, while parents that are already anxious, more at risk to give up completely before their chance to have ventured. The study goes way the studies were not against the negative impact of stress on pregnancy rates have shown when the parents are not followed in the context of an MBV treatment. Hence the quality of life and the attitude of the parents’ desire anyway remain very important.

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