Saturday, June 2, 2012

Home » strep throat is not a serious disease

strep throat is not a serious disease

Angina or strep throat is not a serious disease, but the infection can be very painful and therefore sometimes be frightening. It is also one of the most frequent reasons for medical consultation.Health already gives an answer to the main questions that a throat infection calls.

For days to bed, high fever and sore throat that make even saliva swallowing a painful thing is that the most unpleasant symptoms of strep throat or tonsillitis. This common disease usually occurs in children, but adults can also get a throat infection.

What exactly is a throat infection?

There are various kinds of inflammation of the throat or angina, a disease which is characterized by inflammation at the level of the throat. Thus a distinction between red angina and white angina, names that indicate the color of the throat. They are not two different conditions, since different types of throat inflammation causes both colors can be. In both cases, the inflammation may be associated with sore throat which can be very intense, leading to difficulty in swallowing, fever, and headache can also often lead. Some sore throats diving also symptoms of a cold and sometimes the patient should also vomit. What is important is the distinction between viral and bacterial angina. Firstly, because the treatment is not the same (see below), but also because of the bacterial throat infections, namely angina by group a streptococci, can lead to serious complications, including at the level of the heart. For fear of these complications are almost automatically prescribe antibiotics, which however only rarely really needed.

How is angina treated?

The main treatment is the treatment of angina of the symptoms: Drugs that the fever and pain control, whether or not in the form of a medicament, optionally in combination with a disinfectant to the throat. This is usually sufficient to fight the disease. Antibiotics are only justified in angina of bacterial origin, which can be demonstrated by a test. If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, you should follow the treatment as it should and to the end. Stop if you feel better or because the symptoms have disappeared. If you interrupt the treatment, you increase the risk of development of resistant bacteria.

Interests to establish a diagnosis of angina
Should children take special precautions?
Although the prescription of antibiotics is not obvious in the case of strep throat, still have children precaution to consult their GP. It is important that the doctor the possible presence of   
streptococcus bacteria may determine. Then he informed whether or not prescribes antibiotics.

How does one get a sore throat?
Throat Infections are transmitted through direct contact or through infected saliva droplets. It is therefore important to avoid that contact and to wash hands frequently when someone in your neighborhood is sick and you do not. Even people who have the disease should wash hands and also they mainly cover the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. When it comes to bacterial angina treated with antibiotics, the infection period is shorter.

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