Friday, June 1, 2012

Home » calcium and vitamins that are good for teeth

calcium and vitamins that are good for teeth

Menopausal women and the elderly often receive supplements of calcium and vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis. It would now appear that such supplements also the failure of the teeth would counteract.

With aging calcify the bones and lose their density. This phenomenon is called osteoporosis and affects the entire skeleton, including the teeth. Thus the teeth fall out easily. They already knew that calcium and vitamin D supplements to prevent osteoporosis or at least slow down, and now the scientists investigated whether this is also the case for the loss of teeth.

In this study, 145 persons from 71 years on average for 5 year. The first three years were some daily calcium and vitamin D and the other only placebo (inactive substance). Both the average age as the ratio between men and women, the education level and the number of smokers were similar in both groups. There were no differences between the two groups except for the intake of calcium and vitamin D. Get number of people during the first 2 years after treatment, teeth are lost, was lower in the group who took calcium, at least 1 g / day (40% ) than in the placebo group (59%).


The failure of the teeth can therefore be prevented by supplementing the diet with calcium and vitamin D. Do not wait until you have no teeth! Dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.) contain a lot of calcium, calcium is also found in fruits. Vitamins D are found in oily fish, egg yolk, liver, whole milk and all non-skim dairy products, especially butter. Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin D. Our skin can also vitamin D, but before she sunlight. Therefore it is so important to prevent bone loss through a balanced diet!

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