Thursday, June 7, 2012

Home » digestive problems that cause abdominal pain

digestive problems that cause abdominal pain

Woman With Pain In The Abdomen And Groin

Abdominal pain is a common ailment that can have various causes, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine cancer, an ectopic pregnancy, an ulcer, appendicitis or digestive problems (irritable bowel, constipation, ulcer, etc.).
We take
the major digestive problems that cause abdominal pain just under the microscope.

 Constipation is a common cause of abdominal pain

There is constipation if you have less than three times a week to the toilet. Constipation is associated with hard stools which presses necessary. Also bloating and pain in the intestines are typical symptoms.

With a few basic rules you can often put an end to constipation. We put them in a row: eat at regular intervals, less stress, more exercise, drink more water and eat more fiber.

Irritable bowel syndrome: abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, constipation etc.

This disorder of the colon is most common in women older than 40.

Irritable bowel syndrome (or IBS) is a functional disorder that causes pain in the abdominal area, but also abdominal cramps, constipation or diarrhea, and sometimes the two alternately.

The treatment is mainly based on a diet that avoids nutrients that stimulate the intestines. Thus the flares avoided.

An ulcer is manifested by pain in the abdomen

When an ulcer stomach pain worsens when you eat or drink.

The condition is usually caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, but also a prolonged intake of certain drugs (especially anti inflammatory) and stress can lead to stomach ulcers. Of smoking, alcohol and certain drugs are known to aggravate the ulcer.

Stomach ulcers are treated with antibiotics and drugs that reduce gastric acidity.

Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the rectum (back passage) and affects the colon.

The pain in the abdomen, depending on the severity of inflammation, accompanied by pain in the rectum, blood and mucus discharge from the anus, fever and weight loss.

Treatment is by medication, but also the patient should also follow a diet without residues (without fibers, and lactose).

*Conclusion: Abdominal pain is common and has various causes. But when in doubt, you better go to the doctor.

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