Saturday, June 9, 2012

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extreme reaction to the cold

Are your fingers and toes stiff and stiff when it gets cold and they are all white? Then it is likely to Reynaud’s disease. The diagnosis of this harmless condition makes it necessary to advance the other possible causes off.

Reynaud’s syndrome: other possible causes off

Exposed to cold and humidity, the fingers and toes of people suffering from Reynaud’s disease fast white and stiff, with a burning pain and sometimes a feeling. These symptoms are due to problems with the circulation of the blood at the level of the ends of the body. It is an intense and extreme constriction of the blood vessels due to the cold.
The syndrome is quite common: 5% of the general population suffers from. In 9 of the 10 cases, is also about women. Often diagnosed around the age of 25, after a few years of evolution. Often there is also a family history.
The description of the symptoms is usually sufficient to Reynaud’s disease to diagnose. However, the doctor beforehand other possible causes off. Some diseases or disorders, even taking some medicines (medicines for migraines, beta blockers) may indeed affect the vascularization of fingers and toes. A clinical test, some testing of the blood vessels, an immunological balance and / or Doppler studies is sometimes proposed to exclude certain possibilities. These studies are negative, then the diagnosis of the disease, Reynaud be confirmed.

Reynaud’s syndrome is a harmless disease

People who have Reynaud’s syndrome, we can reassure this condition is harmless. Moreover, the symptoms often reach a peak in young women, and then the problems will decrease as the age progresses to often disappear with menopause.
In the meantime, all the means which can protect the ends of the body may be used. This is also the basis of treatment themselves from head to toe wrap up warm when exposed to cold temperatures.

 Practical tips

Several layers of clothing attract is more effective than a single layer if you want to be warm. Wear silk gloves, fleece gloves with about.
Prefer double shoes and in any case avoid sneakers, which can be a source of moisture.
Wear warm socks.
Cover your neck and your head to the heat loss.
Put your gloves on before you go out and to avoid cold objects before touching.
Use hand and foot warmers, available in most sports shops.
Make sure you always wear gloves when you have to thermal shock when you are in an air conditioned room or when you are shopping in a department store refrigerated between racks.
Avoid coffee because of the constrictive effect on blood vessels.
Also avoid medications against colds.
And especially do not smoke!

If these measures are insufficient, then your doctor will suggest a medicine (an inhibitor against calcinosis) to the frequency of crises to reduce. But remember that the protection of fingers and toes against the cold remains indispensable.

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