Friday, November 9, 2012

Home » National Maritime Museum In Australian

National Maritime Museum In Australian

Entering this exhibition within the spectacular ANZ Tall Gallery, you\'re encircled by an environment of service tradition and repair. A Fleet Air Arm eggbeater hangs in \'flight\' from the ceiling, a missile trailing radiolocation dish protrudes from a wall, a sinuous wall evokes a submarine hull.

The Navy exhibition explores however the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) operates toward land, within the air and below the ocean, throughout peace and war. expertise the richness of Australia\'s service heritage through human stories of bravery, tragedy & triumph. Peer into the contents of a sailor\'s song box from the Twenties. live over the dramatic three-day rescue of Tony Bullimore in 1997 and also the \"children overboard\" affair of 2001. determine why Commander Harry flier received his displayed Distinguished Service Order.

From its earliest days the RAN has been the maximum amount regarding its servicemen and girls as its operations, ships & technologies. From the viewing platform of this soaring gallery, you\'ll watch a screening of Navy: Purpose, Fleet, People. Personal mementos embody war medals, uniforms and souvenirs from foreign engagements, together with a temple bell and rifle carved  with a dragon from the Boxer Rebellion in China.

Traditions and customs punctuate life within the navy. Christenings aboard ships in port permit families to return along for a special event. read the bell from our submarine HMAS Onslow. Inscribed within area unit the name of crew members\' kids WHO were christened aboard.

Famous figures additionally feature during this exhibition, together with a large figurehead of Admiral full admiral, from associate degree 1814 British war vessel, that became a well-known sight on Victoria\'s Port Phillip Bay.
Become a sailor boy

In the submarine section, walk into the precarious world of clearance diving and mine warfare. attempt the optical instrument and check your skills with the navigational instrument operator game. Climb onto the bunks (called racks) to expertise sleeping sort of a sailor boy. What would you pack for it slow on a incommodious submarine? It all has got to work into associate degree impossibly tiny kit bag, therefore consider carefully.
HMAS state capital

The enduring inheritance of HMAS state capital has seen four ships bear the name, the most recent in-built 1983. This exhibition tells the distinguished histories of every of them, from defeat of associate degree enemy war vessel to a brush with anti-war protesters.

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