Tuesday, July 10, 2012

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10 tips to jealousy cope

You know probably that nagging feeling when your best friend a nice prize in the lottery, while two years participates and always behind the net fishing. Everyone is jealous. But what exactly is jealousy and what can you do about it?

Jealousy is an emotion like happiness, fear; anger and sadness are inextricably linked with our humanity. We become as synonymous with jealousy, rivalry, envy and fear the ears beaten, but a one-sided definition.

Want to do better than the other, fighting for the honor, begrudge someone something, it afraid of losing loved ones. These are all feelings of jealousy may be related, but certainly not always go together.

When you want to perform better than a colleague, that does not mean that you begrudge him or her a promotion. And when your best friend gets a new relationship, that does not mean that you have provided to her partner.

Rational and irrational jealousy
For a better definition of jealousy is, for the distinction between rational and irrational jealousy of American behaviorist Albert Ellis very useful.

It is rational jealousy feeling that occurs when there actually are reasons to be jealous (for example, when your partner is cheating or other matter with the credits of your work goes off). You therefore rational 'normal' every reason to be disappointed, to feel sorry or sad.

Irrational jealousy feelings are fueled by uncertainty and fear. You think something's going to happen, without requiring direct appropriate. This gain unwarranted feelings of anger, mistrust and madness prevailed.

Jealousy as a motive
Jealousy is often seen as a bad thing, but who better read between the lines, knows that jealousy does not necessarily have to be wrong. Jealousy Feelings are inevitable and should happen in our complex emotional life.

That is not to say that there is nothing positive can come from it. Jealousy provokes you to do even better by learning from the past to attract and improvements in your life to make.

Here are 10 tips to better feelings of jealousy to go:

Tips 1
Into perspective! Remember that no one the best, funniest or most handsome can be and therefore you do not. Expects therefore not of yourselves, it does not another.

Tips 2
Work on your self confidence, because uncertainty is the largest feed jealousy. You might not be the best, brightest and best in the world, you are quite unique and have qualities enough to be worth it.

Tips 3
Ask yourself: why am I jealous? Is it something that someone else has and you do not? Take a look at what it is that you want and how you could achieve what. Be realistic in setting your goals. A nice car or nice job has to work, but a size 34 size 42 as you always have, might not be what you should pursue. It would probably not even happier.

Tips 4
Accept and be happy with the differences between people. One is good at sports, others may well paint. If everyone was the same, the world would be boring. Then aspired everyone the same, everyone was on the same people and you were not unique.

Tips 5
Remember that everyone has insecurities. You might be jealous of a friend with a happy family life, while your friend who envies successful career.

Tips 6
Rotate the rollers around. How would you like to be treated if you were the one where you're jealous? Be happy for others; let not notice that you're jealous.

Tips 7
Learn from the past. Mistakes are to be improved, so do not be too hard on yourself.

Tips 8
Pain in your abdomen, headaches and sleepless nights are signals that something you're doing too much. Let jealousy feelings especially not prevail, they call a halt by talking (crowding is counterproductive!).

Can not be with your family, friend or partner rightly, consider professional help. A psychologist can give you insight into the causes of your jealousy and help you feel counter.

Tips 9
Another attempt to change is futile and arouses only irritation. Start with yourself and zwelg especially in self-pity. Are you unhappy with your current situation? What can then ensure that you will be happy?

Whether this means that you have a relationship breakup, another job to look your best or better must do next time to get a promotion, that's up to you. If you can only happier.

Tips 10
If you're happy and confident, you have no reason to be jealous!

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