Monday, June 25, 2012

Home » Nutritional benefits of chocolate

Nutritional benefits of chocolate

100 g chocolate with 70% cocoa (average) 9.25 g protein, 33.3 g carbohydrates (of which sugars 21.3 g) and 41.9 g fat, good for 572 calories.

However, in 100 g of chocolate are also 12.8 g of fibers - which is a lot - and a whole battery of mineral salts such as magnesium (206 mg), phosphorus, potassium, calcium (60 mg), iron (10.7 mg, which is two times more than meat!) and several other trace elements, copper and fluorine.

Also in terms of vitamins, chocolate is well endowed. Especially the vitamins of the B group are well represented.

Chocolate is a relatively energy-rich food. A small volume has been providing a lot of calories. But unlike many other sweets - especially chocolate - they are not "empty" calories. Because there are a lot of nutritious elements that contribute to a balanced diet.

Of course there is a lot of fat in chocolate. But it is cocoa butter, a substance which consists mainly of oleic acid and which is the same fatty acid found in olive oil, and is acting on the bad cholesterol.

Due to its high content of fats and carbohydrates chocolate has the reputation of fattening received. That's true even if we eat a lot of it - every day from 50 to 100 g - because then our power disequilibrium. It's not fattening if we treat with coffee on a piece of chocolate out of 5 or 10 g.

Chocolate and our health

As more studies appeared, chocolate is the so-called "nutraceutical" product became part because the cardiovascular system protects the risk of vascular disease reduces and also offers protection against the harmful effects of the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

The explanation for this lies with the polyphenols, an antioxidant substance that works and includes also found in green tea, vegetables, fruits and red wine.

Chocolate contains the highest content: 840 mg to about 500 mg of pure milk chocolate. Green tea contains for example only in the region of 300 mg.

Chocolate contains a cocktail of caffeine and theobromine (substances that stimulate the nervous system) and endorphins (the so-called "pleasure-providing hormone") related substances. That, along with the high content of magnesium, chocolate properties which would simultaneously depressiewerend, stresswerend, calming but also empowering. Chocolates would even be an aphrodisiac! Least that is what designates the experience, because scientific evidence is not there yet.

Chocolate and culinary delight

Since the conquistadors in 1524 the cocoa beans which they had discovered in Mexico brought to Europe, chocolate is always been a product (even now!) That provides pure pleasure.

The Aztecs crush the roasted beans, mixed with water, honey, allspice, cinnamon and ginger mixture over bottom and drunk. They called it chocolate, hence comes the word chocolate. It gave them energy for everything, including sex.

This fetish drink to drink when he got Cortes in 1519 set foot in Mexico. It was offered to him by Moctezuma, the leader of the Aztecs. Who always drank before he made love with one of his wives.

Probably comes the reputation of chocolate as an aphrodisiac that time.

The other properties (good for depression and stress, strengthening and calming) are not only due to the endorphins (the stimulants that stimulate the nervous system) and the magnesium in chocolate, but also (and perhaps more) the combination of fat and sugar in it. By separating these two substances together the brains ie extra endorphins off.

The pleasure that chocolate provides, comes primarily from the culinary properties - many soft flavors in the mouth spread - and then of course the shot that endorphins released when eating.
This also explains why some people are so addicted to chocolate!

There is chocolate and chocolate

Dark chocolate (which must be legally at least 48% cocoa) and milk chocolate (at least 30%) are both available in bars - nature, with nuts or with various other ingredients. In addition, the food industry produces a wide range of constantly renewed chocolate products and confectionery legally, the word "chocolate" or "cocoa" may contain. At least 35% cocoa in it. The rest is mostly fat and sugar.

That fat is not always cocoa butter. In industrial chocolate often involves six other vegetable fats - including palm oil - which are less expensive than cocoa butter. That concession was in August 2003 by the European Commission endorsed, against the wishes of many chocolate fans and despite the widely voiced protest. Read certainly the fine print on the package, because those vegetable fats should be indicated on it.

The chocolatiers of artisan chocolates offer a wide range of chocolates or pralines. Often they consist of a ganache (mixture of cream and chocolate) with chocolate around it. They contain only natural cocoa butter!
White chocolate is very fashionable, especially children love it. Unfortunately this is not real chocolate, because there is no cocoa, but only cocoa butter (at least 20%), milk (minimum 14%), often butter, and always sugar, lecithin and flavorings.

Here you will find the health benefit of chocolate is not found! The only good thing is the high content of calcium from the milk.

Which chocolate should you choose?

 *For daily use: chocolate in bars - pure or with milk, depending on your taste. This is best for your health and also the best price.

  *Forget all industrial sweets with chocolate - including children - and all things surprise. They are too fat and contain vegetable fats.

  *For the New Year celebrations are the shelves of the supermarket course filled with all kinds of chocolates. Always check the composition on the package and choose rather for those with "cocoa butter".

  *If you fancy, you can also make chocolate truffles. It really is not difficult! They will certainly be better and less expensive.

What is the correct daily dose of chocolate?

According to researchers begin the protective dose 45 g per week. The ideal would be 65 grams, which is less than 10 g per day!

A block weighing 5 g of chocolate, two blocks (the width of a strip) weigh 10 g (one tenth of a band of 100 g). A block contains about 55 calories.

E # Deny you so especially no chocolate! A block of chocolate with your coffee may safely, and enjoy it to the fullest!

If you like more? Let the chocolate then very gently melt in your mouth so you can taste all the pleasurable sensations and good tasting.

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